Display Name: SummarizeWithin
Description: The SummarizeWithin task helps you to summarize and find statistics on the point, line, or polygon features (or portions of these features) that are within the boundaries of polygons in another layer. For example:Given a layer of watershed boundaries and a layer of land-use boundaries by land-use type, calculate total acreage of land-use type for each watershed.Given a layer of parcels in a county and a layer of city boundaries, summarize the average value of vacant parcels within each city boundary.Given a layer of counties and a layer of roads, summarize the total mileage of roads by road type within each county.
Help URL: https://uasiportal.shelbycountytn.gov/arcgis/rest/directories/arcgisoutput/System/SpatialAnalysisTools_GPServer/System_SpatialAnalysisTools/SummarizeWithin.htm
Execution Type: esriExecutionTypeAsynchronous
Parameter: sumWithinLayer
Data Type: GPString
Display Name sumWithinLayer
Description: A polygon feature layer or featurecollection. Features, or portions of features, in the summaryLayer (below) that fall within the boundaries of these polygons will be summarized.
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionInput
Default Value:
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeRequired
Parameter: summaryLayer
Data Type: GPString
Display Name summaryLayer
Description: Point, line, or polygon features that will be summarized for each polygon in the sumWithinLayer.
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionInput
Default Value:
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeRequired
Parameter: sumShape
Data Type: GPBoolean
Display Name sumShape
Description: A boolean value that instructs the task to calculate count of points, length of lines or areas of polygons of the summaryLayer within each polygon in sumWithinLayer.
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionInput
Default Value:
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeOptional
Parameter: shapeUnits
Data Type: GPString
Display Name shapeUnits
Description: Specify units to summarize the length or areas when sumShape is set to true. Units is not required to summarize points.
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionInput
Default Value:
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeOptional
Choice List: [
Acres, Hectares, SquareMeters, SquareKilometers, SquareFeet, SquareYards, SquareMiles, Meters, Kilometers, Feet, Yards, Miles ]
Parameter: summaryFields
Data Type: GPMultiValue:GPString
Display Name summaryFields
Description: A list of field names and statistical summary type that you wish to calculate for all features in the summaryLayer that are within each polygon in the sumWithinLayer . Eg: ["fieldname1 summary", "fieldname2 summary"]
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionInput
Default Value:
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeOptional
Parameter: groupByField
Data Type: GPString
Display Name groupByField
Description: Specify a field from the summaryLayer features to calculate statistics separately for each unique attribute value.
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionInput
Default Value:
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeOptional
Parameter: minorityMajority
Data Type: GPBoolean
Display Name minorityMajority
Description: This boolean parameter is applicable only when a groupByField is specified. If true, the minority (least dominant) or the majority (most dominant) attribute values within each group, within each boundary will be calculated.
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionInput
Default Value:
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeOptional
Parameter: percentShape
Data Type: GPBoolean
Display Name percentShape
Description: This boolean parameter is applicable only when a groupByField is specified. If set to true, the percentage of shape (eg. length for lines) for each unique groupByField value is calculated.
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionInput
Default Value:
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeOptional
Parameter: outputName
Data Type: GPString
Display Name outputName
Description: Additional properties such as output feature service name.
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionInput
Default Value:
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeOptional
Parameter: context
Data Type: GPString
Display Name context
Description: Additional settings such as processing extent and output spatial reference.
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionInput
Default Value:
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeOptional
Parameter: resultLayer
Data Type: GPString
Display Name resultLayer
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionOutput
Default Value:
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeDerived
Parameter: groupBySummary
Data Type: GPString
Display Name groupBySummary
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionOutput
Default Value:
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeDerived
Supported Operations:
Submit Job