Display Name: CalculateDensity
Description: The Calculate Density task creates a density map from point or line features by spreading known quantities of some phenomenon (represented as attributes of the points or lines) across the map. The result is a layer of areas classified from least dense to most dense.
Help URL: https://uasiportal.shelbycountytn.gov/arcgis/rest/directories/arcgisoutput/System/SpatialAnalysisTools_GPServer/System_SpatialAnalysisTools/CalculateDensity.htm
Execution Type: esriExecutionTypeAsynchronous
Parameter: inputLayer
Data Type: GPString
Display Name inputLayer
Description: The point or line features from which to calculate density.
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionInput
Default Value:
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeRequired
Parameter: field
Data Type: GPString
Display Name field
Description: A numeric field name specifying the number of incidents at each location. If not specified, each location will be assumed to represent a single count.
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionInput
Default Value:
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeOptional
Parameter: cellSize
Data Type: GPDouble
Display Name cellSize
Description: This value is used to create a mesh of points where density values are calculated. The default is approximately 1/1000th of the smaller of the width and height of the analysis extent as defined in the context parameter.
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionInput
Default Value:
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeOptional
Parameter: cellSizeUnits
Data Type: GPString
Display Name cellSizeUnits
Description: The units of the cellSize value
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionInput
Default Value:
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeOptional
Choice List: [
Meters, Kilometers, Feet, Miles ]
Parameter: radius
Data Type: GPDouble
Display Name radius
Description: A distance specifying how far to search to find point or line features when calculating density values.
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionInput
Default Value:
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeOptional
Parameter: radiusUnits
Data Type: GPString
Display Name radiusUnits
Description: The units of the radius parameter.
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionInput
Default Value:
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeOptional
Choice List: [
Meters, Kilometers, Feet, Miles ]
Parameter: boundingPolygonLayer
Data Type: GPString
Display Name boundingPolygonLayer
Description: A layer specifying the polygon(s) where you want densities to be calculated.
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionInput
Default Value:
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeOptional
Parameter: areaUnits
Data Type: GPString
Display Name areaUnits
Description: The units of the calculated density values.
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionInput
Default Value:
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeOptional
Choice List: [
SquareKilometers, SquareMiles ]
Parameter: classificationType
Data Type: GPString
Display Name classificationType
Description: Determines how density values will be classified into polygons.
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionInput
Default Value:
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeOptional
Choice List: [
EqualArea, EqualInterval, GeometricInterval, NaturalBreaks, StandardDeviation ]
Parameter: numClasses
Data Type: GPLong
Display Name numClasses
Description: This value is used to divide the range of predicted values into distinct classes. The range of values in each class is determined by the classificationType parameter.
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionInput
Default Value:
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeOptional
Parameter: outputName
Data Type: GPString
Display Name outputName
Description: Additional properties such as output feature service name.
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionInput
Default Value:
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeOptional
Parameter: context
Data Type: GPString
Display Name context
Description: Additional settings such as processing extent and output spatial reference.
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionInput
Default Value:
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeOptional
Parameter: resultLayer
Data Type: GPString
Display Name resultLayer
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionOutput
Default Value:
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeDerived
Supported Operations:
Submit Job